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Nita - Uganda

Nita Finger grew up in Tamworth. After working for several years following university, she spent 2 years at Sydney Missionary and Bible college from 2007-8. After applying to Africa Inland Mission she first went to Mayotte, an island near Madagascar, from 2010-11. Nita then moved to the Central Coast to take up a position in the Australian Office of AIM in Wyoming. During this time she began coming to NVBC and became part of our Kid’s Church team.


In 2017 Nita headed for Uganda to work with the Karamojong people in Moroto. In her first term from 2017 to 2020, she was working within the Church, with individuals, and Bible study ministry in the prison and in the village of Lotirir.

In Moroto her first task was to learn the language, and this has been (and still is) an ongoing task. She learns one on one with a local Karamojong person. During her first term this was with Christine, who is now a close friend. When she returned after a year of home assignment, she was happy that she could remember some language but she reported “lots of people sounded like they were talking under water”.  During her second term, Jan 2022 to Jan 2024, she began language learning with Nasur. She stills sees Christine regularly as Christine now does some cleaning for her each week.

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When she returned in 2022, she met with Nasur, a local believer, for a regular Bible study, together with her language learning. She still does personal visitation, participates in other Bible studies, and together with her KAMP team mates, meets monthly with church leaders. About 30 church leaders from the Moroto area come regularly to these meetings. They aim to develop the capacity of churches to reach out to those areas where there is currently little or no gospel outreach.


NVBC sends regular twice yearly support to Nita and has also raised money for particular projects. NVBC was involved in one project making Treasures and Proclaimers (like little tape recorders) available for use and distribution. An Old Testament recording has now been made to add to the New Testament recording of the local language and is used with these devices.


As part of doing all the above, Nita needs a reliable car in order to reach villages outside of town. Her present car has become very unreliable and so she is looking to replace it as soon as she can. It is hoped NVBC may be able to help with the purchase of this vehicle.

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149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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