15th November 2024
That went quickly! -Travis

This week marked the two year anniversary of being set apart as Pastor at NVBC. Two years! Crikey, how did that go past so fast??
It is amazing to consider that two years ago we stood before a room full of strangers who would become our family as we committed to love, lead and serve here. Ever since that day, Kaye and I's sense of call to NVBC and conviction that God has placed us here has remained strong and only grown over time.
The past two years have seen me preach my heart out, rely on God, find my limits, lose hair and (at times), lose sleep. I've gained friends, a pool, all manner of learnings and (let's be honest), some weight. More importantly though, I have delighted in seeing that ways that God is at work here - in us, among us and through us. As a church community we have an incredible collection of testimonies, moments and memories in these two short years alone that we should be deeply thankful to God for.
Allow me to take the chance to say a heartfelt thank you. Thank you to everyone who has welcomed us, cared for us, prayed for us, shared your story with us and helped make NVBC become our home and family over the past two years. Thank you for all who have passionately put their hand to the plough alongside us in ministry. Thank you to those who have decided to also call NVBC home during that time. And thank you to my fellow dreamers who refuse to settle for what is (be it in your personal life or in our shared life as a church), but who constantly look to God for what can be, and by faith will be!
As your pastor, thank you for your trust and for the humbling privilege to serve and lead this beautiful community that is NVBC. Of this I am sure, God is going to do an amazing work in us and through us in the years ahead!!
New Song: Christ is Risen
Last Sunday in our services we introduced a new (to us) song 'Christ is Risen'.
Drawing deeply on 1 Corinthians 15, it is a celebration of Jesus' resurrection. The Apostle Paul calls this truth "of first importance" and core to the Gospel we have believed, and on which we take our stand!
Annual General Meeting

Our 2024 AGM Focus Meeting will be held after the morning service on December 1st. The key agenda items will be our 2025 Church Budget and the (re)election of some governance positions. All are welcome. A budget overview will be circulated to our Ministry Partners ahead of the meeting for prayerful consideration.
Latest Finance

We continue to thank God for his guidance, empowering and provision over His church here at NVBC. And we give thanks for the continued faithful and generous financial support of so many in the life of our church. As the end of 2024 draws closer, here is the latest update on our finances year to date.
This Sunday AM

We're in for a treat this Sunday AM with guest speaker Craig Stephens (Salvation Army), who will conclude our 'The Church in the World' mini-series.
This Sunday PM

We're also in for a treat this Sunday PM with a worship night!! Come ready to connect with God and received from him.
Thanksgiving Service

Next Sunday AM we are going to be celebrating and thanking the small army of volunteers that each contribute to making NVBC be the warm, welcoming and fruitful church we are!
December @NVBC

We have so many great opportunities for a meaningful, missional and worshipful Christmas at NVBC this year! Please make sure to RSVP to our Gingerbread House-making (by Nov 26) and Senior's Christmas BBQ (by Dec 1) if you were planning on coming along to those events.