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18th October 2024

Wearing Justice

This week saw Baptist World Aid Australia publish its annual Ethical Fashion Guide, the 10th edition since its inception in 2013. The Ethical Fashion Guide helps empower us, as Jesus-following consumers, with the knowledge to make better ethical purchasing decisions.

The global reality of what goes on in manufacturing of our clothing can be quite confronting:

"Millions of workers in the global fashion industry face injustice, abuse, low wages, and modern slavery. The way we produce clothes and shoes - and the endless demand for more - is having a detrimental impact on local communities, their lands and waterways, and even the air they breathe. The fashion industry connects us all - millions of workers and billions of consumers around the world. Together, we are part of this system, and together, we can drive change."

- Baptist World Aid

Let's drive positive change in the fashion industry by becoming informed consumers!

Visit this year's Ethical Fashion Guide to learn how your favourite brands stack up (or whether they have improved since last year), and allow it to shape your shopping choices.

Ministry Highlight: Helping Hands

"I don't know what we would have done without the beautiful people of NVBC who made us some meals when we were struggling. Thanks so much NVBC!" (a young parent from NVBC).


Helping Hand is a ministry of NVBC that seeks to bless, care for and support people through the provision of meals. New parents, those struggling with sickness, recently bereaved families and many more have been blessed through this simple gracious act. If you can provide an occasional meal to those in need, please sign up and the Info Desk today to be part of the Helping Hands team.


Non-Perishables Food Drive

As NVBC continues to live out our vision to be a church 'passionate for people' we look for ways to serve our community and partner with organisations doing amazing work. One of NVBC's own, Joel Gough, works with Health on the Streets in a role that sees him connect with and help provide practical support for those experiencing homelessness around the Central Coast. They are currently in need of some resupply of non-perishable food to give out... enter Team NVBC!!

Can you help? We are calling for and facilitating a non-perishable food drive to be dropped off at church on Sunday November 3rd. Over the coming fortnight, when you're doing your normal shopping or perhaps on a special trip as a family, consider purchasing any of the following items to be donated at church:

Non-perishable food items: such as tinned food (not requiring a can opener), breakfast drinks, long life milk, cereals, pasta, muesli bars, snacks, biscuits, pasta and sauces etc.

Specific items requested: toothbrushes, deodorants, pillows and dog food.

News from Daniel Sze

Although his ministry focusses on supporting Indigenous mission in NSW, Daniel recently joined a short-term (3 days) mission to an Indigenous Congregation in Port Augusta (SA), which is home to over 3000 Indigenous Australians. Amongst other activities, the team prepared a Chinese lunch for their hosts after Sunday worship. Daniel is also preparing for his own brief visit to Lightning Ridge at the end of November.

Daniel is one of our NVBC-supported mission workers. He works with Indigenous Church leaders in both regional and urban Australia. You can watch a 5-min summary of his work or ask Bob Gibson to tell you more about it. And look for Daniel’s prayer points in The Harvest prayer calendar each month.

Latest Finance

Thank you to all who continue to invest in and resource the ministry and missionaries that go out from NVBC! It is so appreciated.

Our latest year to date finances are attached and you will see that we are making some headway on catching up, but have a bit to go.


This Sunday

Have you heard of the '10 Commandments'? Have you ever wondered why God highlighted these ten in particular? This Sunday Johnny will unpack Exodus ch19-20.

Focus Meeting

Sunday Oct 20

Straight after our AM Service, stick back for a special Focus Meeting. We will bring two recommendations: that Zach Bryant be called as Youth Pastor, and that Andy Miller be appointed to the Board.

Next Sunday

If you're not able to make The Gathering weekend, we are still having a Sunday Service here at NVBC! We'll host one combined service at 9:30am with live worship, preaching and sharing in communion together.

Seniors Morning Tea

Join for a relaxed time of connecting over morning tea at Green View Cafe in Kincumber. Please RSVP to Wendy-Sue so we can pre-book with the venue.



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