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21st June 2024

The Joy of Serving

I meant what I said last Sunday morning! We are created to do good works (Eph 2:10), and our lives become filled with so much meaning and purpose as we follow the example of Jesus in serving others! We are a blessing to others and we ourselves are blessed as we serve. As part of the message I shared some responses given to the questions "why do you serve?" and "what impact has serving had on you?". If you missed it, have a read and be encouraged by some of the responses people shared below:

Friends, I encourage you to continue serving the Lord and one another wholeheartedly! And for anyone looking to explore what taking your next step into serving at NVBC could look like, you can fill out this simple expression of interest and we'll grab a time to chat soon.

The Gathering Update!

The accommodation for The Gathering is booking up quickly!

And the good news is, after some discussions with Koala Shores regarding the cost of the accommodation, we discovered an error had been made in calculating the cost - so it is now significantly cheaper!

Jump on the What's On page and check out the new prices. And if the cost is still too much for you, please let us know - and if you're feeling grateful & generous you can sponsor others here.

Kids Morning Tea Fundraiser

A massive thank you for your generous support of our young people and their morning tea fundraiser last Sunday. And didn't they do great with their announcement?!? The funds raised enable sponsorships and help offset their travel costs.

This year we have 12 signed up from NVBC going to State Kids Camp, which is the largest contingent from a single Baptist church registered! Please pray for them to have an amazing peak experience on camp over July 8-10.

Teach us to Pray

From next Sunday we begin a church-wide series through the Lord's Prayer over 5 weeks! As part of our series there will be a series booklet available next Sunday, complete with thoughtful discussion/reflection questions as well as five weekly prayer challenges. Use it on your own, or better yet, use in community with others! In fact, we recommend considering committing to meet weekly with a couple of friends to work through the booklet together.

If you're not in a connect group yet, Travis will also facilitate two temporary 5 week connect groups to work through the series booklet: an in-person Thursday morning group, and for the busy person, an online Monday evening group. You can sign up for either via our whatson page


Youth Tonight!

A reminder to youth and parents that we are OFFSITE tonight, joining with other youth groups at the Youth Alive regional rally, being held at iSEE Church Erina from 6pm.

This Sunday

We've got a full band on Sunday at both services, and Travis concludes our Grateful and Generous series. PM Service can look forward to cookies & hot chocolates for supper!

Seniors Communion Service

Thursday 27 June

Come and join for a time of communion, hymns, testimony, prayer and morning tea together.


Latest Finance Update




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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