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23rd August 2024

Are You Paying Attention?

The image of Moses taking off his shoes to stand on holy ground before the burning bush is iconic! It is an image that has inspired many an artwork like Domenica Fetti's to the left. It has also inspired many a believer afresh with the importance of recognizing and honoring God’s holy presence in their lives

We started our year with the call to attend to and be attentive of the presence of God in our lives. We want to know him, to be with him, to hear his voice, to connect with his heart and to be shaped in communion with him.

For Moses, and perhaps for us today, it can be all too easy to be so mindlessly consumed with our everyday tasks that it takes God doing something spectacularly out of the ordinary to get our attention.

For Moses in Exodus 3:4, it was only when he stopped, gave his attention and moved towards the bush that God then spoke and revealed his presence. Imagine how commonplace our own 'holy ground' experiences would become if we too stopped, gave our attention and moved towards God in our lives?!

Have you stopped to connect with God today? Are you mindful of his presence with you right now? What is God wanting to speak to you about?

Compassion Sunday

Wasn't it an encouraging Sunday last weekend having Rachel from Compassion with us?! We can report back that we have had 6 new child sponsorships officially begin, taking the total number of children sponsored through Compassion as a church to 85!

If you missed last Sunday, or have been thinking about sponsoring during the week, we will have some child sponsorship profiles available this Sunday at the info desk.

The Gathering Weekend

Have you booked for our church weekend away yet?? Any un-booked accommodation sites will be released by Koala Shore to public bookings at the end of August, so book now to avoid disappointment!

Spending a weekend together is a fabulous way to deepen existing and fast-track new connections with one another. Find out more

Youth Pastor Search Team update

Thank you to all who continue to pray for and over our youth pastor search process! The search team have shortlisted the applicants, had an initial meeting with them and are about to enter the formal interview phase of the search process. Please continue to pray for God's clear leading, wisdom and discernment over all involved.

Cru Coast Day Camp

We had a great planning meeting this week as we gear up to run our upcoming Cru Coast day camp (October 8-11). There is so much fun planned for our campers!!

If you would like to support and be involved in the outreach, we are still looking for some more:

  • Adult leaders (especially female leaders)

  • Junior (high school) leaders

  • Help with AV/PA (mornings only)

  • Barista's to connect with parents at drop off (8-9am)

  • Food prep helpers (for morning tea & leader lunches)

  • BBQers (for end of program celebration with families)

If you would like to explore more or are able to serve over the week, please let let us know here.

Finance Update

A big thank you to all who have responded to our recent communication about the church's finances by beginning to give or by giving above your current giving.

Together, let's keep closing this gap as we resource all the wonderful ministry and mission opportunities ahead as a church!


This Sunday

Join us this Sunday as Josh White speaks on Moses' encounter with God through the burning bush. At PM we also have our Youth Band leading us in worship!

Seniors Communion Service

Thursday, 29 August 10am

Join us for our monthly time of connection, communion, hymns, prayer and morning tea.

Father's Day Combined Service!

Sunday, 1 September, 9:30am

This Father's Day we are COMBINING our services to one big Father's Day service at 9:30am, which will be followed by a great morning tea spread.

Men & Women's Events

We are excited for our upcoming Men's Bonfire Night (Saturday September 7) and Flourish Connect Evening (Saturday September 21). RSVP via our whatson page.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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