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24th May 2024

The Joy in Serving Together!

What a joy and privilege it continues to be to serve together as the family of NVBC!! It is so inspiring and humbling to see the many ways people use their time, gifts and passions to bless others and invest in the life of our church and surrounding community.

In the nation's calendar, this week is set aside as National Volunteer Week. It is an opportunity to celebrate the impact of volunteers, and to honour and give thanks for them.

We love this from the website: "volunteering is simultaneously a deeply personal and collective pursuit. It involves an intentional choice to contribute time and energy to activities and causes that make a difference and add value to the world." YES!

On behalf of the pastoral team and on behalf of our church family: THANK YOU SO MUCH for the ways you serve and make a difference in the life of our church here! We truly are better together. Join us on Sunday as we give a few shout outs in our service and together thank God for the impact of one another.

Slowing to Savour

At our Presence Night on Wednesday, one of the stations set up involved some sweets that are best enjoyed slowly. Accompanying it was the invitation of the Psalmist to "taste and see that the Lord is good" and a reflection to slow down to connect with God and savour his many blessings.

I know I (Travis) often find myself rushing both externally and internally, busy with all the tasks and responsibilities that I'm attempting to juggle well.

Wednesday night was a beautiful reminder for me of the sacred importance of slowing, pausing and being in the Presence of God mindfully. To hear his voice, to pour out my heart, and to sit in awe and wonder. Taste and see that the Lord is good indeed!

May Mission Month Appeal

Through May we are raising money for an exciting project, bringing together expertise in discipleship training with indigenous leaders to create a First Nations discipleship training course. Learn more here. You can give to the project via direct deposit to the church account with the reference "May Mission Month", or in person at the info desk on Sunday.

Download and pray through our May Mission month prayer points (for week 4) here.

Where to next?

This Sunday will be the final week in our teaching series through the Psalms. From next week: In the AM we begin an NVBC Values Highlight series, exploring and expanding on one of our values: 'Grateful and Generous'. In the PM we will begin a three-week mini-series on Discipleship based on Matthew 4:19 'follow me and I will make you fishers of people'.


This Sunday

This Sunday Johnny will be preaching on 'God is present in the darkness' from the Psalms. Stay back after the PM Service for loaded brownies for supper!

Seniors Communion Service

Thursday May 30

Join for a time of sharing, hymns, communion, prayer and morning tea together.

Next Prayer Meeting

Wednesday June 19

What a privilege to come before the Living God in prayer for our church and world, confidently approaching as his much-loved children!!


Finance Update

Thank you to all who support the work of NVBC financially! Currently our weekly giving is around $1,900 below our budget each week. If you call NVBC home and are not yet in the pattern of regularly giving towards the work of NVBC, we'd love you to consider joining us in discovering the joy of giving. You can do that below by clicking the 'partner with us' button. Thank you.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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