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26th July 2024

As we forgive

Each line of the Lord's Prayer continues to lead us more deeply into personal transformation, and last week was certainly no exception! Forgiving those who have wronged us can take enormous courage, faith and humility on our part. It can also be a journey of choosing over and over again to increasingly live out our conviction to forgive with the help of God's Holy Spirit. The flock of prayers in the foyer (turned into origami birds) take on a new dimension this week as we have added our collective prayers to forgive others from last Sunday. Lord, hear our prayers!

(if you weren't quick enough to write it down, here is that great quote on forgiveness that Neil shared last Sunday morning)

Youth is back tonight!

Have you seen our new and refreshed 'The Valley' youth page on our website? Shout out to Zach and Josh for working behind the scenes updating it. This term's youth program is live now and you can check it out here.

Let's cover this term in prayer! Come also show your support for our amazing team of youth leaders this Sunday AM as we pray over them as they begin leading Term 3 together.

Time to get baking & making

On September 14th, NVBC will host one of the locations where our community can come and vote in the upcoming local elections. Similar to last year's referendum being held onsite, we are looking forward to hosting, connecting with and blessing our community.

A very popular part of last year's referendum hosting was the jam, plant and cake stall and we'd love to go even bigger and better for this year's election!!

So... if you have something you love making that you could donate for us to sell on the day, here's your notice to get planning! Jams, relishes, cards, plants etc are all welcome as will be freshly baked goods. In a few week's time we will also start calling for volunteers to help bbq, barista and host on the day.

Youth Pastor Search Team

Please be in prayer for God's clear guidance and provision throughout our youth pastor search process.

The search team have begun meeting, and are working towards meeting with potential candidates. Your prayers for wisdom, discernment and God's protection are appreciated!

Finance Update

A heartfelt thank you to all who continue to partner with us in resourcing the work of God through NVBC. Below is a summary of the current status of our finances year to date.


This Sunday

Our 'Teach us to Pray' series continues at both AM + PM!

Our amazing youth band will lead us in the PM!

Welcome Lunch

Sunday 4th August

If you have recently joined our church community (or are looking to do so), we'd love to invite you to lunch! Our welcome lunch is a great way to connect, meet others from our community over a meal together and learn more about NVBC. Please RSVP here

Prayer Meeting

Tuesday 6th August

Fresh on the heels of our Prayer series, what better thing to do than set aside a night to pray together! Come for an interactive, prayer stations night based on the Lord's Prayer.

Connect Weekend

Our events for Connect Weekend are now all live!

See the above calendar of events and sign up on Sunday.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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