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2nd August 2024

Stewarding the work of God

This Sunday we will wrap up and conclude our series through The Lord's Prayer. For many, this has been a deeply moving and empowering series that has had us reconnect afresh with the amazing privilege and the power of praying. We have felt God speaking. We have experienced His Spirit moving in our lives. We have had eyes opened, hearts softened and convictions strengthened of how to pray and how to live differently because of Jesus' teaching on prayer.

So what do you do when God is clearly doing something in you?? You keep joining with him in working that out in your life!! Our prayer series may conclude this Sunday, BUT... the ongoing discovery and growth together with God in prayer will only increase from here as we each increasingly put into practice the lessons of the past 5 weeks.

To keep diving into the deep well that is prayer and furthering your own personal and transforming practices of prayer, here's a few books we recommend:

For many, prayer journaling has been a helpful part of their prayer life and we think that's worth exploring too -

(PS. And makes sure to join us on Tuesday night, 7:30pm as we gather to pray together!)

News from Daniel Sze

In May, we raised money to develop a First Nations Discipleship Training Course with Daniel Sze. He is excited that the course is being used this weekend (2-3 August) at Mt Druitt Indigenous Church, which will welcome disciples from as far as Gilgandra. Earlier in July, weekly web-based training meetings, supported by the online version of the resources, commenced for some Indigenous leaders in North Queensland.

Daniel is one of the NVBC-supported mission workers, working with Indigenous Church leaders in both regional and urban Australia. You can click here to watch a 5-min summary of his work or ask Bob Gibson to tell you more about it. And look for Daniel’s prayer points in The Harvest, attached to your newsletter email today.

Cru Day Camp comes to NVBC!

As part of our desire to bless, serve, connect with and reach our broader community we will host a Crusaders Day Camp next school holidays! Partnering with Crusaders and St Philips Christian College, Cru Coast will run over 4 days, October 8-11, at NVBC.

Day camps bring all the fun, resources, activities and Gospel sharing opportunities of a Crusaders camp with the perks of sleeping in your own bed at night (for both campers and leaders!).

We'd love as many as possible to get behind this! How? By praying, inviting, contributing to sponsorships, volunteering, leading and/or registering your kids to come along and be part of the amazing experience.

Donating as Team NVBC

Register to be part of Team "Narara Valley Baptist Church" and join us in giving a life-saving blood donation together. Let's meet a real and genuine need in our community in the name of Jesus and show our world we care! You can explore more about donating blood and join our team when ready to donate through the lifeblood website, APP or in person at a donation centre.

Finance Update

A heartfelt thank you to all who continue to partner with us in resourcing the work of God through NVBC. Below is a summary of the current status of our finances year to date.


This Sunday

Our 'Teach us to Pray' series concludes at both AM + PM.

(PS. From next week... we start a new series through Exodus!!)

Welcome Lunch

This Sunday!

It's not too late to join us! If you have recently joined our church community (or are looking to do so), we'd love to invite you to lunch this Sunday! Please RSVP here

Prayer Meeting

Tuesday 6th August

We are excited for an interactive, prayer stations night based on the Lord's Prayer this coming Tuesday night. Keep growing your passion and experience of prayer by coming along.

Connect Weekend

Our Connect Weekend is only 1 week away! Which events are you joining with?? Check out the calendar above and make sure to sign up in the foyer on Sunday if you haven't already.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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