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30th August 2024

A Father's Day Reflection

How amazing is it that we can know and experience God as our loving heavenly Father?! It is all the more amazing when we consider who our God is.

God is the creator of the universe, existing outside of our universe and even outside of time. He is so high above us as to be beyond any ability to comprehend him or understand him. He is Holy, unapproachable in his perfection, so separate from the evil in our world and the evil in our hearts that we ought to be destroyed by his holiness like dross in a furnace.

And yet Jesus called Him ‘Abba’. Abba was the name children gave to their Fathers in Aramaic, and it wasn’t just a little kids’ name like Dada or something – even if it sounds a bit like Dada – even grown-up kids would call their fathers Abba. It would have seemed like a shockingly intimate and familiar name to use for the Almighty God.

And then in Galatians 4:6, we learn that it’s exactly the sort of Father-Child relationship we can have with God. Through the Spirit of Jesus, God has become our Father – our Abba, our closest confidant, our biggest supporter. It’s too wonderful, too incredible, almost unbelievable, maybe it sounds a bit ridiculous, but that is the relationship Jesus provides for us with the God of creation, the perfect and Holy God, no longer unapproachable, no longer distant; our Father.

Compassion Sunday Update

Since Compassion Sunday, we have now had 7 new child sponsorships! If you would like to start sponsoring a child, come to the info desk on Sunday and take a card home. We have six more cards available.

There is also the exciting opportunity to go on a short trip with Compassion in early 2024 (February 20-27).

If you want to know more about the trip, click here or chat to David Wolski.

The Gathering Weekend Update

The accommodation sites we have reserved at Koala Shores for The Gathering weekend, we can only hold until the end of tomorrow! So we encourage you to book now!

There are still 6 cabins available to book, so don't miss out. It won't be the same without you!!

Finance Update

Here is the latest on our church finances.

Together, let's keep closing this gap as we resource all the wonderful ministry and mission opportunities ahead as a church!


Insight Prayer Breakfast

This Saturday, 31st August, 8:30am

Insight runs ministries in our local High Schools. The Insight Prayer Breakfast is on tomorrow morning, hosted at Rhema's headquarters at 16 Dyer St, West Gosford.

Father's Day Combined Service!

This Sunday, 1 September, 9:30am

This Father's Day we are COMBINING our services to one big Father's Day service at 9:30am, which will be followed by a great morning tea spread.

Church Working Bee!

Spring is most definitely in the air, and combined with getting ready for hosting the upcoming local election, we are having a working bee and spring cleaning morning! There's lots of jobs to do outside and inside.

Men's Bonfire Night

Fellas, it's just over 1 week until our Men's Dinner & Bonfire Night. Rego here.

Flourish Night

Ladies of NVBC, it's just over 3 weeks until our Flourish Connect Evening. Rego here.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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