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31st May 2024

Into our Field - Reflection from Leisel (Senior Administrator)

As a Mariners fan it’s been a pretty good year. Well two years really. I love that it gives me something in common to chat to people about. When someone knows that you are a fan, even if they aren’t, they’ll often ask if I was at a game and how it was. The conversation doesn’t stay in the Stadium, it permeates into our family, friends, community and even church.


I loved last year when Lewis preached after the A League Grand Final wearing his Mariners Scarf and was reminded again last Sunday seeing Zach and Johnny up the front wearing theirs. Seeing how the Mariners have permeated through some of our attendees on Sundays, I can’t help but be stirred to see this reversed. What would it look like for us to metaphorically wear our ‘Christianity’ out in our everyday lives just as we wear our Yellow and Blue to Church?


As as church we desire to see Christians permeating throughout the Central Coast, each being salt and light among their family, friends, colleagues and community. Wearing our colours so to speak, and being able to share our experience of church and our relationship with God when asked. Let's be encouraged anew to be real in our faith and to pray for opportunities to share our relationship with God with those who may not already be ‘fans’.

NVBC Values

In 2020 our church went on a process of discerning our key values. Our values are part of what makes us, us. They are the things we already live out together, hold as deeply important, and desire to increasingly grow into. Since identifying our values in 2020, nearly a third of our church has joined NVBC! If you are not aware of our values (or need a refresher), our values are:

This Sunday we begin a mini-series exploring and unpacking our value 'Grateful and Generous', and we look forward to unpacking each of our values over the coming 18 months.

Bringing Supper Back!

You know what we love?? The sound of the foyer being filled with laughter, conversations and community as people stay back to connect with one another after our services!!

Last Sunday night's loaded brownies were are hit, and this week's Nacho bowls are sure to be too. If you would like to join the community building fun and help with a week of PM supper, please let us know here.

Final call for May Mission Month

In May we have been raising money for an exciting project, seeking to resource the creation of a First Nations discipleship training course. Learn more here.

So far we have raised $2820, and we're aiming to get close to $5000, the cost of phase one of Dr. Daniel Sze's plan.

You can help fund the project via direct deposit to the church account with the reference "May Mission Month", or in person at the info desk on Sunday.


This Sunday

We celebrate Communion together and start new mini-series in both Services.

PM crew... get excited for Nachos bowls for supper!

PM Dinner at the Nicholsons

Sunday June 9 - after PM service

Join us at the Nicholsons' for a simple dinner, fire and even table tennis if you like. Dinner is provided. Dress warm and bring a camping chair if you have one.

Next Prayer Meeting

Wednesday June 12, 7:30pm

(Please note the new date!) Let's gather to pray for our church and world, confidently approaching as his much-loved children!!

Alpha Marriage Course

Starts Wednesday June 19, 7:45pm

After the success of last year's Rebooting Your Marriage seminar, we are going to run another marriage enrichment course this year: The Marriage Course.

The course runs for 7 weeks on Wednesday nights, starting June 19 and finishing July 31.

We will be offering the course Online via Zoom, so that you can stay in the warmth of your own home on these cold winter nights!

The Zoom call is really for solidarity (that other couples are doing it too) and accountability (to make sure we all do it every week) - NOT for 'group discussion' (don't worry!). Those of us who have very small children can put them to bed before we kick off, or at least not need to have a babysitter because we can do it from the comfort of our own homes. We can pour a glass of something and relax and enjoy spending time with our spouse, working on our marriage together. Click here to RSVP today!


Latest Finance Update




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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