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5th July 2024

Lord, hear our prayers

"True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that. It is a spiritual transaction with the creator of Heaven and Earth." - Charles Spurgeon.

Believing in the power of prayer, last Sunday we began our church-wide series through the Lord's Prayer! As a visual representation of the prayers prayed throughout our series, our written prayers will become a flock of paper birds flying straight to God's listening ears. May the Lord be swift to answer our prayers and reveal his loving-kindness in our lives! If you have a testimony of how God responds to your prayers over the series, please share it with us.

Also, make sure to grab your copy and spend time engaging with the series booklet! Printed copies are available at our info desk or you can download a digital copy here.

Prayer Testimony

At one of our prayer meetings in Term 1, Barbara McCaig shared an urgent prayer request for her brother Rob. We stopped then to pray and a number have continued to pray for him since. Rob was able to visit NVBC a fortnight ago and subsequently shared this testimony and his deep thanks to our church for standing with him in prayer:

I am well aware that your prayer group has been praying for me. It has been a tough 8 months, first with Bowel surgery in  October, then 5 rounds of chemo the laid me low, 9 days in hospital with pneumonia then 12 days in the Austin Hospital Melbourne for surgery to remove further cancer spots on my liver. The Surgeon phoned 3 weeks ago advising me the latest scans indicate ALL CLEAR!

This I put down to the circle of prayer that has encircled me during the past 8 months. Since then, miracles have happened!

To all your folk at NVBC, a sincere thank you. We worship a Great GOD, the GOD of Psalm 8. May God richly bless you as a church.

Sincerest regards and thank you,

Rob Quinn

Youth Pastor Search Update

Since our last church Focus Meeting, we have continued to advertise for the permanent part-time role of Youth Pastor. Recently we have received some formal applications and will now convene a pastoral search committee (to be made up of representatives from youth, youth leaders, youth parents, elders, board and pastors) to begin the discernment process. If you have a passionate suggestion of someone to consider for the search team, please recommend them to our board:

Please be in prayer for God's clear guidance throughout this important process.

Half Year Finance Update

Please find below a detailed update of the church's finances after the first half of the year. If you have any questions or would like further clarification please speak to our treasurer Dave K.


This Sunday

Our 'Teach us to Pray' series continues at both AM + PM!! In the AM Travis will share, we'll have kids packs for our kids and there will be a time for prayer ministry at the end of the service. At PM Zach will share, our kids table will be set up again and a light supper will be provided.

Prayer Connect Group

Monday 8 July, 7:45pm

If you would like to get the most out of our prayer series by journeying through the booklet with others, consider joining Travis' online connect group which starts this coming Monday night. You can find out more or RSVP here.

Connect Weekend

We are gearing up for our next church-wide connect weekend after the resounding positive feedback from our last one! If you would like to host or help facilitate one of the events please let us know here

The Gathering Weekend Away

It's great to see so many booked in for this year's The Gathering already! Accommodation is filling up quickly, so head to our What's On page to rego or see the options. If the cost is too much for you, please let us know. If you feel prompted you can sponsor others here.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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