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6th September 2024

When it all falls apart

Poor Moses. It is not the first time, nor will it be the last time that I (Travis) feel for Moses as I read through the story of Exodus. Imagine the courage and bravery it would have taken to return to Egypt to speak up as God’s representative. Imagine the elation and confidence boost of having the Israelite elders believe everything you’ve said and then respond in worship (Exodus 4:29-31). And then imagine what it must have felt like to see things only get worse for the Israelites and to have them completely turn on you after the first encounter with Pharoah. Poor Moses indeed!


Bible Commentator Alec Meyer reflects on Exodus 6: “The agony of soul through which Moses passed must have been as death to him. He died to his self-esteem, to his castle-building, to pride in his miracles, to the enthusiasm of his people, to everything that a popular leader loves. He lay there on the ground alone before God, wishing himself back in Midian, and thinking himself hardly used.”  


What do you do, where do you go when it feels like everything is falling apart around you? How do you carry on when you feel defeated and can’t see God’s hand at work? For Moses, he went straight to God in prayer (even if it was for a bit of a whinge). In that place of meeting with God, God ministered to him by revealing afresh his name and character, and confirming his plan and promises. Take heart! God hears us, is with us and is working for our good even when we have trouble discerning it. And this same Moses who is wallowing in self-pity and self-doubt here, will be the same Moses being used by God to lead the people out of slavery in a few chapters time.

Watch this space!

Tomorrow is our church working bee with lots of jobs ready to be tackled! It's not too late to join us from 8am. Here is a few of "the before" photos... see if you notice any difference on Sunday.

Latest Finance Update

Thank you to all who continue to support and resource the ministry and mission of NVBC through your giving!

This week's latest update is attached. The key figure to follow is our weekly giving average (this is what we will base our 2025 budget on). If you would like to do a deeper dive into understanding all the various elements of our current financial position, click on the graphic. Any clarifying questions can be directed to our Treasurer.


This Sunday

This Sunday Johnny is preaching in both services on the plagues in Exodus. It's a case study in how God deals with Pharaoh's evil heart, with mercy and judgement working hand in hand.

Church Working Bee tomorrow!

Don't miss out on the fun of our working bee and spring cleaning morning! There's lots of jobs to do outside and inside (just turn up ready to help).

Men's Bonfire Night tomorrow

Fellas, it's NOT TOO LATE to join the more than 50 guys hanging out at tomorrow's Men's Dinner & Bonfire Night. Rego here.

Flourish Night

Ladies of NVBC, it's just over 3 weeks until our Flourish Connect Evening. Rego here.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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