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7th February 2025

Incoming: a 2025 Prayer Invitation

Hot off the heels of our Testimony Sunday last week, we continue to celebrate that our God is lovingly, consistently and powerfully at work in us, through us and all around us! God is, and will, continue to bring healing, growth, restoration, freedom, empowering and transformation wherever He is at work.

At the beginning of 2023 and 2024 we invited all who wanted to, to write out and share a "one thing" prayer for the year ahead.

This Sunday, we will open up a 2025 round of prayer invitation. It will be an opportunity to discern, name, pray into and commit to pursuing something that you sense God is leading you forward in. Some area of your life or outworking of your faith that you long to press forward together with God in. If you are not yet sure what that might be for you this year, spend some time praying into and reflecting on this over the weekend.

Thank you Lord!

Can we take a moment to thank God and praise him for the testimonies shared last Sunday (and for all those we have collectively experienced over the last year!?! Given the personal nature of testimonies, last Sunday's livestream on YouTube is unlisted (meaning it won't appear in any public searches). However, if you missed it or wanted to be encouraged again, you are still able to watch it here.

Our encouraging Sunday culminated in Matt and Isaac being Baptised in our PM Service. Let's cover them both in prayer as they continue to live for the One who saved them!

If witnessing or hearing of these Baptisms have prompted you to explore being baptised as a sign and celebration of your faith in Jesus... please let us know and we can book in the next Baptism opportunity for you soon!

Thank you Wendy-Sue and Sarah

Last weekend we had the chance to publicly thank and celebrate Wendy-Sue and Sarah in our Sunday morning service. Wendy-Sue has been incredible in the role of our church cleaner over the past 11+ years! A massive thank you to Wendy-Sue (and to Wayne!) for helping our facilities always be ready to welcome and speak value over our church family and the many visitors who come onsite. Sarah too has been brilliant in the maternity leave position role of Children & Families worker last year, fitting in seamlessly and being a beautiful blessing to our pastoral team and Kingdom Kids ministry. Thank you Sarah!

Sarah and Wendy-Sue continue to worship and serve at NVBC, just in different capacities in 2025.

Valley Fitness 2025

Valley Fitness is going to look a bit different this year, with our new PT Belinda Salan. Belinda has been attending NVBC for the past year, and serves in Kingdom Kids, and she is excited to be stepping in to run the Valley Fitness ministry after Laura Moir and Danielle Lamrock both finished up last year.

Belinda will be running two 45 minute classes on Monday mornings, starting this week:

  • Mums & Bubs at 9:30am

  • Seniors at 10:30am

For more info, check out or come along on Monday morning!


What the Bible has to say about joy can be quite different from our view. Come explore the true meaning of joy this year at BAMCAMP 2025!

There's only 2 weeks left to rego and if cost is an issue please know that sponsorship tickets are available.

A quick reminder to those who have rego'd but not yet paid, please do so. To give you a taste of what you can expect and to get you excited for this year's BAMCAMP, check out the highlights video from 2024 below.


This Sunday

Join us AM or PM as Travis launches us into the year together under God!

Church Prayer Walk-Through

This Sunday, 11:30am

All are welcome to join us as we pray through our church property and intercede over the people, programs and opportunities we'll have in the year ahead. Together we will seek God's covering, his blessing and his leading as we listen to his voice as we pray.

New Series

Starts next Sunday

Hint: it might have something to do with this Sunday's message!




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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