7th June 2024
Playgroup Highlight
This term in playgroup we have been exploring the topic of Animals, each week we provide a fun activity around our topic and last week we had some very special visitors join us! Peter and Sue Cannings brought in their baby chicks to show all the children and they were a hit! Everyone loved seeing and cuddling these sweet chickensā¦Mumma hen did well sharing her babies š
This week was another lovely time enjoying the sunshine, playing with bikes, sand pit, our book space, craft activity creating woolly sheep and morning tea outside, we even had some beautiful NSW blues fans! Ā It was great to be able to connect together with parents and carers and share in that community. We really have loved seeing our playgroup grow with beautiful families. Ā
The Gathering is Launching!

The Gathering is launching NEXT SUNDAY (16th June)!
Come and spend the weekend with us in October at Koala Shores Holiday Park.
Check your email inbox on Wednesday for an information pack, including accommodation prices and other details. Tickets will be on sale on the What's On page from 11am on 16th June.
May Mission Month

Thank you to everyone who gave generously to our May Mission Month Appeal. We raised $3,715 to support First Nations Discipleship with Dr. Daniel Sze.
Daniel says he is very thankful to God for our generosity and support.
This Sunday
We're continuing our AM & PM series this Sunday.
In the morning, Johnny is preaching about being Grateful and Generous with our Time.
In the evening, Zach is preaching about the way God works to change and transform us into disciples of Jesus.
PM Dinner at the Nicholsons
This Sunday, after the PM service
Join us at the Nicholsons' for a simple dinner, fire and even table tennis if you like. Dinner is provided. Dress warm and bring a camping chair if you have one.
Next Prayer Meeting

Wednesday June 12, 7:30pm
This Wednesday night, we are gathering to pray together in the presence of God.
Our prayer meeting will be led by the Solomons' Connect Group - with a special focus on guilt & forgiveness, thankfulness, and prayer for one another.
If you have a heart for prayer and want to spend some quality time with God, come along! There will also be people there ready to pray for your personal needs if you would like someone to pray for you.
Alpha Marriage Course
Starts Wednesday June 19, 7:45pm
After the success of last year's Rebooting Your Marriage seminar, we are going to run another marriage enrichment course this year: The Marriage Course.
The course runs for 7 weeks on Wednesday nights, starting June 19 and finishing July 31.
We will be offering the course Online via Zoom, so that you can stay in the warmth of your own home on these cold winter nights!
Latest Finance Update

As you can see above, we need to increase our weekly giving. If you want to support us financially, please go to nvbc.info/give to set up a regular donation.