7th March 2025
Your Story Here...

Dear reader, we would love to include your stories in our newsletter. If you have an encouraging story or testimony (especially one about how you are pursuing God this year), please let us know. You could write your story in about 150 words to print here, or you could make a short video of yourself telling the story. Personal stories are such an encouraging way to learn and grow together - let's share what God is doing and build one another up. If you have a story to share, chat to one of the pastors, or send us an email.
Kingdom Kids Update
It has been a great start to kingdom kids this year. We’ve had some of our largest weeks yet with 60 children attending from Creche all the way up to year 6. What a blessing to see God bring these children in to church to learn and grow closer to him.
As we started this year, our Nursery - Kindy kids have heard about how putting God first changes our lives and our hearts. Right from the beginning God has our best in mind, and when we put him first, it is the very best thing for our lives and the world. Our grade 1-6 kids have been learning that after sin entered the world, people had to stay focused on God or they made some really bad choices by following their own way. They have learnt about God, his heart for us, and how following his way is the best decision we can make.

It was so wonderful to see several of our children up on stage contributing to our service last week! We can’t wait to see more of our kids sharing and showing you all the amazing things, they have been learning. We want to celebrate them and encourage them as they are grow in Christ and in the church.
Alpha Course - Help Wanted

Alpha is running on Sunday nights in term 2. We're still looking for volunteers to help us with it - maybe you could help provide supervision for children for a few Sunday nights next term? Ps. Rachel is looking to put together a roster, so we can provide supervision for kids while their parents attend the course. Or maybe there's another way you'd like to serve - chat to Brad or Jenny Jones, or one of the NVBC staff team.
The course will be running on Sunday nights (after the PM service), beginning 4th of May.
To find out more about Alpha , check out alpha.org.au
We're moving to Wednesdays!
From next week, check your emails on Wednesday for our Newsletter! We will aim to get the newsletter up online by Wednesday afternoon each week, so that you can read about what's coming up this weekend with a couple of days more notice, and follow up on last weekend a little bit sooner.
If you have any other thoughts or ideas for our weekly newsletter, we'd love to hear from you. Send us an email and let us know.
This Sunday

Join us this Sunday as Josh Thomas continues our series in Philippians, speaking about God's work within us, from Philippians 2:12-18. We will also be celebrating communion as a church family this week.
Jigsaw Weekend

Friday & Saturday, 14-15th March
Beth Lane & Iain Skinner love to do jigsaws. On Friday 14th & Saturday 15th of March they will have 2 large puzzles (3000+ pieces) in the Hall to complete. Anyone wanting to join the challenge is welcome to drop in, have a chat, a cuppa, maybe even some cake! This in not competitive jigsawing. Simply a bit of fun. Connecting.
Friday evening from 6.30 to 10-ish; Saturday morning from 9 am until finished!
Connect Weekend

Our next Connect Weekend will be on the first weekend in April. Save the date!
And if you'd like to host a group at your home, or at a park or cafe or activity, please sign up at the info desk, or send us an email!