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"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." - John 15:12

We are often left with a choice... Love or Hate.

In a world of different opinions, different outlooks, different world-views, different political ideas, different theological perspectives, different personalities and different preferences; it is almost impossible to see past all these differences in order to love one another. The love I am referring to here is not the cheesy love found within your favourite romcom or the love you may feel for the juicy thighs at KFC... instead we are referring to "agape love" a Christ-like kind of love that is unconditional, brotherly, and charitable.

Jesus demonstrated this kind of love for us when he sacrificed himself for us. Our differences could have separated us from Jesus:

- He is holy, we are not

- He is sinless, we are not

- He is innocent, we are not

- He is perfect, we are not

Despite all these differences Jesus CHOSE LOVE. "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

If Christ can look past difference and choose love, then we must imitate Him and do the same for the people in our church community and beyond. We must love like Jesus.

In our PM Service we discussed the story of Maximilian Kolbe which you can read here:

It is a story of a true hero of faith who was devoted to Jesus the commander, who loved despite difference, and who bought glory to God. I implore you to read his story.

We are praying that we as a church will strive to become a community that loves one another despite our differences for the sake of the Gospel. We would love you to join with us in looking for opportunities to love those around us.

If you would like to read our bible study from this week you can find it here

Favour & Peace,



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