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Luke 19-24

This week we will spend time remembering the events of Easter. Begin by watching The Bible Project's video to get an overview of the story we're going to read together.

  • How familiar were you with all the events of the Easter week?

  • Were there any parts that particularly stood out to you?

Below is a timeline of the events of the Easter week as described by Luke. Read each part aloud, and imagine the scene, answering these two questions after each short reading:

  • What do you imagine each character in the story was thinking or feeling?

  • How do we gain a better understanding about who Jesus is from each event?

Palm Sunday

Luke 19:37-43

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem

Luke 19:45-46

Jesus drives the money changers out of the temple

Monday - Wednesday

Luke 19:47-48

Jesus teaches and debates with the religious leaders


Luke 22:17-19

Jesus has his last meal with his disciples

Luke 22:41-44

Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane

Luke 22:49-53

Jesus is arrested

Luke 23:13-16, 23-25

Jesus is tried by Pilate & Herod

Good Friday

Luke 23:26-27, 32-34, 44-46

Jesus is crucified and buried

Easter Sunday

Luke 24:36-49

Jesus is resurrected

  • Think again about each event. What does each one mean to you personally?

Romans 6 can be considered one of the key passages that describes the meaning of the Easter event. Read this passage and reflect on how these words line up with what you've been discussing from Luke 19-24.

Read Romans 6:1-14

  • What particular words or phrases stood out to you, and why?

  • How do the events of this week 2000 years ago continue to shape our identity?

  • How would you answer the question, "What does Easter mean to you," if a non-Christian friend asked you that this week?

Spend some time in quiet reflective prayer, reflecting on what you've discussed tonight. Then close with a time of prayer thanking God for Jesus' life, death and resurrection.



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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