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In readiness for Sunday April 7th

This Sunday's Meeting

A reminder to all our Ministry Partners that we are hosting a Focus Meeting this coming Sunday after the AM Service. We appreciate and encourage as many as possible to be present at these meetings, as they are an important expression of our shared life together.

The primary purpose and focus for our meeting on Sunday will be presenting recommendations to affirm the appointments of a Maternity Children and Families Worker and Interim Youth Workers. You can read more about both of these below.

We will also be putting forward Peter Gay to become our new Health and Safety Representative! A big thank you to Chris Isted for fulfilling this role in previous years.

If you are unable to attend in person on Sunday, proxy voting forms are available on Sunday and have been attached to the email. Please double check the instructions on how to complete them.

For those with children, we highly recommend bringing along an activity or snack for them to enjoy throughout the meeting. A reminder too, that they do need responsible supervision once collected from Kingdom Kids.


Rachel's Maternity Leave Position

After months of thinking, praying, approaching, interviewing and discerning, we are excited to share our recommendation that Sarah White be appointed to Rachel's maternity leave position as NVBC's Children and Families Worker!

Make sure to come along to our Sunday AM Service prior to the Focus Meeting as Sarah will be invited up front to share about some of her faith, relevant experience and her heart for the role.

Process wise, an interview panel was convened with representatives from the Pastors, Elders, Board, Kingdom Kids Leaders and NVBC Parents. You can read the individual recommendations of that panel below.

Meet Sarah: My name is Sarah White and I have been attending NVBC for 15 years. I am married to Josh and we have 3 children Alayna, Hannah and Ezra. I have applied for the role of children and families’ worker for the time of Rachel’s maternity leave, and in God’s calling, feel it very much on my heart to move forward in continuing to do the amazing work that Rachel and all of the children’s ministry leaders have been doing.

I believe it to be a great honour to nurture every child’s faith and help them to know and understand the great love that God has for them. With my early childhood training and experience, as well as the passion I have for our children and families of NVBC, I believe this to be a wonderful role that I would be honoured to step into for this year.

Interim Youth Workers Position

We are deeply committed to ensuring the continued health, strength, growth and leadership of The Valley Youth while the search for our next Youth Pastor continues. Over the past few months ongoing thought, discernment and conversations have taken place leading us to the exciting recommendation that: Zach Bryant and Josh Kay be appointed as Interim Youth Workers from the beginning of Term 2!!

Both Zach (pictured above left) and Josh (above right) are already deeply invested in our youth ministries as key leaders, each exhibiting godly character and a committed heart for youth. They already carry both NVBC and The Valley Youth culture, and have had substantial experience leading within our Youth Ministry. They are known, respected and trusted, as well as possessing complementary styles and gifts. Both have been saved through NVBC's ministries, grown up and discipled here, raised into leadership, are both ministry partners and each feel led by God to be available to step into this role together.

To have them step into this shared interim role speaks of a healthy leadership development culture at NVBC.

It also helps to ensure a smooth transition and healthy continuation of our youth group culture (something that is very important to our youth and youth leaders).

How will this work in practice? We will invest the same 3 days per week into the Interim Youth Workers that we do now into our Youth Pastor (the youth component of Lewis' role), with Zach and Josh each supported 1.5 days per week. As an interim role, the role will only be in place until a Youth Pastor is appointed and established, or until the end of the year, whichever occurs first. As Interim Youth Workers they will be welcomed into the same support and accountability structures as any staff team member.


We look forward to seeing you at our Focus Meeting on Sunday!


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149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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