Last week we looked at being generous with out time - a challenge for those who are 'do-ers' and not 'be-ers'. This week we look at the other side of this: what we can do out of a heart of generosity.
How do you serve God and people in your weekly, monthly or yearly rhythms? Share some of these acts of service with one another.
Do you have a story of when someone went above-and-beyond to serve you in some way? Share with one another the impact their service had on you.
Read 1 Peter 4:8-11
How does Peter encourage his readers to serve one another here?
What is the relationship between grace, gifts and service here?
What if you choose not to use your gifts?
What if you feel like you lack the capacity to use your gifts?
Read Romans 12:3-13
We read some of this passage last week - so it might be familiar!
How does this passage help us to understand the principles in 1 Peter 4?
What are the different examples of serving listed here?
Can you think of other forms of service (bonus points if you can think of mentions of them elsewhere in the bible)?
What acts of service do you find easy or enjoyable? What do you find challenging or difficult?
Is there a form of service that you are particularly drawn to do (or do more)? Share what's on your heart with the group.
Make a plan to serve in some extra way this week. You might like to think of something you can do together with someone else in your Connect Group, or even a project you can all do together!