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Mother's Day was a true blessing to us all. At NVBC.PM we interviewed some Mother's from our Church; Leisel Burdon, Haley Holland, Louise Hughes, and Jenny Learnmonth. Attached above is the link to our podcast, and I encourage you all to check it out!

There are many things I desire to write about in this blog... I desire to write about the importance of female preachers. I desire to write about the importance of the female voice. I desire to write about the unique feminine characteristics of God. I desire to write about the shocking link between evangelical christianity and domestic violence (

So many desires... so little time.

So instead, I will write about some of the practical ways that our panel suggested we could support parents within our church... "It takes a village to raise a parent."

1. Free Babysitting

In the busyness of 'parenthood' many parents miss out on things like date-nights and weekly connect groups. Louise Hughes told us a story of how someone in a previous church offered free babysitting so that she could attend a weekly Bible Study/Connect Group. Imagine if we could offer this to parents at NVBC!

2. Free Food

There are many parents who are expecting children in our Church. Hayley Holland told us a story of how our Church community supported her with food deliveries directly after her beautiful daughter Nora was born. How amazing would it be if all the new parents at our church experienced the same kindness!

These ideas may seem simple, but they are effective. If you can spare your time or cooking skills, I encourage you to reach out to the young Mum's in our community. The first thing we need to do in order to help others, is to listen to their needs.

Thankyou to the women of NVBC.



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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