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Micah 6:1-8

Micah was a prophet in the time of the Assyrian invasion of Israel in 701BC. His prophesies are mainly targetted at the ruling elites of Jerusalem, who were focused on gaining more and more wealth and power for themselves, and only paying lip-service (if that) to God.

Read Micah 6:1-8

  • What stands out to you about this prophesy/poem?

  • Is there anything in here that is confusing or that you have questions about?

Read Micah 6:1-5

This prophesy/poem takes the form of an imagined courtroom. God is accusing his people in the presence of the mountains (i.e. accusing them publicly, for all the world to see).

  • Why do you think God asks the questions he asks in verse 3? What sort of complaints do you think His people might have about His 'burdening' them?

  • Why does God want them to remember the events from their history in verses 4-5? What effect should this have on their attitude?

  • In what ways can we feel 'burdened' by God?

  • What things should we be remembering about God?

Now Micah imagines the response of God's people...

Read Micah 6:6-7

  • What does this response show us about the hearts of the people?

  • The people are aware of their transgression and sin - but could any of these things be enough to satisfy God?

Read Micah 6:8

  • How does God respond to their questions?

  • What is the most significant to you of the three instructions: act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly? And why?

Read Micah 3:1-11

  • How does this earlier rebuke help to give us more context to the instruction of 6:8?

  • Can you think of situations in our world today where powerful people treat the less powerful like this?

  • What are some practical ways we can act for justice?

  • What are some practical ways we can celebrate and embrace mercy?

  • What are some practical ways we can follow God humbly?



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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