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Philippians 1:12-30

...conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ....

As you read this passage from Philippians 1, picture this:

Paul has just received a letter from his friends in Philippi. They are concerned for his wellbeing, having heard that he is in prison for preaching the gospel, opposed by both the Jewish and Roman authorities, and even some from within the church community (likely Ephesus, or maybe Rome). He is writing these words in response to them...

Read Philippians 1:12-18a

  • What was Paul's attitude to the opposition he is suffering under?

    • Do you think this is how you would respond if you were in his shoes? How do you feel when people are trying to do you harm like those mentioned in v15-18? [1]

    • How do you think Paul has developed this kind of attitude over the years he's been following Jesus? Is there anything we can learn about our own character development from Paul's example?

  • Why do you think Paul's imprisonment caused the other believers with him to feel encouraged/confident? If you were there, do you think it have had the effect on you? Why/why not?

Read Philippians 1:18b-26

  • What exactly is the source of Paul's joy, and the focus of his hope?

    • How does this viewpoint help him to face suffering (even to the point of death)?

    • Is there anything we can learn from this, as we face our own trials and suffering and hard times?

  • Paul's example shows us that it is possible to experience joy and hope in the midst of suffering, enough that it gives us the strength to carry on enduring in spite of it. How do we get what Paul seems to have found here? What would you do to have more of that in your life?

  • Do you have any advice for your group, based on your own experience, of practical ways we can grow in these things?

Read Philippians 1:27-30

  • What does it mean to you to live "in a manner worthy of the gospel"?

  • What is implied by the phrase, "whatever happens," that begins this paragraph? How does the context help us to understand what Paul is saying about the Philippians behaviour?

  • How does the phrase, "stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one," help us to do this?

    • How can we practically stand together and strive together as we seek to live good lives? What would it look like for this connect group to put this teaching into practice every time we meet together?

  • Is there anything that now stands out to you from all that we've read today, in light of Paul's imprisonment and the Philippians concerns for him? What is your big take-away?

Spend some time praying for one another about these things. Pray for more of Paul's perspective on conflict, opposition or suffering; ask God to grow us in hope and joy; and pray that we can all live in a manner worthy of the gospel.

[1] Commentaries I've read aren't quite sure who these 'preachers' were, stirring up trouble for Paul, preaching out of envy and rivalry and selfish ambition. Some say they were genuine Christians who had some personal animosity towards Paul, and wanted him kept out of the way so they could build their own following in the Philippian church. Others say they were preaching not against Paul, but against the local Jewish community as a counter-attack against them for their treatment of Paul. Still others think they were provoking martyrdom for themselves by preaching against the Roman authorities who had imprisoned Paul. My personal view comes from Ralph P. Martin, among others, who thinks that these preachers believed that Paul's imprisonment was an embarrassment to the gospel (and to themselves as Christians):

"They are motivated by envy and animosity towards him because he is a suffering apostle and so in their view he has discredited the Christian message. They have a rival missionary strategy that excels in power and glories in success, in a way parallel with other religious teachers in the ancient world."

- Ralph P. Martin, Philippians, Tyndale Commentary.



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


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