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  • If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would you go and who would you take with you?

  • This is the final week of Advent Conspiracy. What are your reflections about week 3 (Give More)?

    • Have you given a relational gift this past week? If so, what happened?

    • Or are you planning to give something - would you like to share your plan with the group?

  • Where did you notice God this week? Do you have any stories to share?

Watch this week's video:

  • When you think about addressing big issues like poverty, disease, housing, education, etc. what is your first reaction?

    1. Overwhelmed?

    2. Skeptical?

    3. Apathetic?

    4. Exhausted?

    5. Something else?

  • Which of these expressions of 'Love All' mentioned in the video do you think is easiest? Which is hardest? Why?

    1. Donating money

    2. Volunteering time

    3. Showing hospitality to strangers

Read Luke 2:1-24

  • How wealthy was Jesus' family on earth? Does focussing on the poverty of the Christmas story change how you think about this season? Why/why not?

Read Matthew 25:34-40

  • In what ways are acts of service a gift to Jesus?

  • How could yourself, your family or even your Connect Group engage with the idea of 'Love All' this week?

    • Is there a project you could do?

    • Is there an organisation you could give to or serve with?

  • What has been the most helpful thing you've learned over this four week series?

  • What is one practical thing you're going to try this Advent season?

  • How can we be praying for you this Christmas?

End your time together in prayer.



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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