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Welcome to Connect Group 2024!

The questions below are designed to help us to get to know each other and get our groups started on the right foot. Answer whichever questions you'd like to (or for a bit of fun, use a random number generator (numbers 1-10) to decide which question to answer next!)

  1. In the last 2-3 months, where is the furthest away from home that you went?

  2. What time did you go to bed on New Years Eve - and why?

  3. What is the best meal you've eaten in the last 2-3 months?

  4. What is something you're looking forward to about Connect Group this year?

  5. What is something you're looking forward to at NVBC this year?

  6. What is something God has been teaching you or challenging you about in the last 2-3 months?

  7. Who is someone you would particularly like to see blessed by God this year?

  8. What is something you would like to do this year in our Connect Group?

  9. If you could choose one topic or part of the bible to hear a sermon or do a bible study on this year, what would it be?

  10. If you could ask God a question and hear an audible answer instantly, what would you ask?

Spend some time discussing together as a group.

  • What are your collective expectations for the group this year?

  • What are your hopes/aspirations for the year ahead as a group?

  • What are we committing/promising to do?

Read John 17:20-26

This is Jesus's prayer for His church that he prayed the night before he went to the cross.

  • What seem to be Jesus' priorities for his followers?

  • Are any of these priorities things that are particularly on your heart?

  • How might our connect group be a context for God to answer this prayer for us this year? (Try to think practically and creatively about this as well as looking at the big picture)

Spend some time praying for one another along the lines of Jesus' prayer here.


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