Philippians 3:12-14
What did you sense God speaking to you from Travis's 2025 vision sermon on Sunday?
What are you most personally excited about the theme/focus for this year?
What are you most intrigued by?
What is your heart for the impact this year will have across our church community?
The vision passage for 2025 is Philippians 3:12-14. In this study, we will look to put these key verses into context, and see if we discover something even richer in them.
Read Philippians 3:7-11
In these verses, Paul talks about the things we receive when we receive Christ. Why does he think these things are of 'supassing worth' compared to every other good things he has in life? Do you view them this way? Why/why not?
Read Philippians 3:12-14
In the previous verses, Paul has just talked about the things we receive when we receive Christ. Now he says he has not "already obtained" or "already arrived" at them. How does this work? In what way have we received them, and it what ways are we still waiting or working towards them?
Paul has just said that these things come to us freely from God, on the basis of faith, not by a righteousness of our own. So what does he mean when he says he 'presses on', 'to take hold', and 'straining toward what is ahead...toward the goal'? What role (if any) does our effort have in receiving God's grace?
What does it look like to 'forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead' in your own life? Do you find yourself sharing Paul's discontent and desire for more? Why/why not?
What sorts of things can make us feel stuck or unmotivated to move forward in our faith? What have you found helpful when it comes to pursuing greater transformation, growth and experience of Christ?
Read Philippians 3:15-4:1
Paul says in verse 15 that maturity is seen in acknowledging that we haven't yet arrived at the goal? Isn't maturity the goal? What do you think Paul is getting at here?
What sort of transformation is promised to us when Jesus returns? How is this transformation linked to the transformed life we are striving to live as we wait for Him to come?
In light of the context we've read,
Reread Philippians 3:12-14
What do these words mean to you now - what in particular do you want to take with you this week to focus on from these three verses, and why?
On Sunday we had the chance to name a prayer for an area of our life with God that we wanted to pursue greater transformation in this year. If you feel comfortable, share what that prayer is for you and perhaps how this group could help you pursue that this year?
Spend some time in prayer together... pray for NVBC, for our Pastors and Elders and other key leaders, and pray for your Connect Group, that God would work through the group to bring about transformation and forward movement this year.