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Philippians 2:1-11 humility value others above yourselves...

We'll pick up on the link between chapter 1 (from last week) and chapter 2, by reading a few verses back...

Read Philippians 1:27-2:2

  • What is the 'therefore' there for? How does 'living in a manner worthy of the gospel' and 'suffering for him' connect to the things Paul lists in 2:1-2?

  • Do you think like-mindedness and one-ness can help us to withstand opposition, hardship or suffering?

    • Do you have any real-life examples of this principle working out in practice?

  • How do we grow in our like-mindedness and one-ness as Christians?

    • And how do we grow in our reflex to support and care for one another when our brothers and sisters are struggling or suffering?

Read Philippians 2:3-5

  • What do you think is the effect of 'selfish ambition and vain conceit' [1] on the life of a community?

    • Where do these attitudes come from?

    • And what happens when people give in to these tendencies?

  • In contrast, what do you think is the effect of humility/modesty; of everyone looking to the interests of the others in a community?

    • Do you have any examples of this in your own experience of church/Christian community?

Read Philippians 2:5-11

These verses are quoting a song. [2] It was probably not written by Paul, just quoted by him here. Possibly it was a worship song that the Philippians sang in their gatherings, and were already familiar with.

  • Why do you think Paul includes a worship song in his letter here? What point does this make to the Philippians?

  • How do our modern worship songs inform our core beliefs and values as a community?

    • Do you have any song lyrics that particularly speak to you and remind you of truths you hold dear?

  • How did the humility of Jesus lead him from heaven to earth to servanthood to the cross? What does this show us about his nature and his heart?

  • How does humility hold the key to our relationships with one another?

  • How does humility hold the key to 'living in a manner worthy of the gospel'?

  • How do we go about cultivating true humility? Do you have any practical ideas about how to go about this process?

Spend some time in reflection and contemplation. Ask God to show you his humble heart in Jesus; and ask him to show you where you need to humble yourself as His follower.

Then, close your time together by praying aloud for ourselves as God's people in community, that we would have the same mindset as Christ Jesus in serving and loving one another.

[1] Selfish ambition (eritheia) is the attitude of factionalism, of acting contentiously or argumentatively, having an 'us against them' mentality. Vain conceit (kenodoxia) literally translates as empty-glory; it is the attitude of thinking you've arrived or that you're deserving of high status (Philippians 3:12-14 contains Paul's antidote to vain conceit!)

[2] Theologian N. T. Wright (like Ernst Lohmeyer before him) has tried to follow the structure and form of the song in the original text. You can read it here:

Who, though in God’s form, did not Regard his equality with God As something he ought to exploit. Instead, he emptied himself,  And received the form of a slave, Being born in the likeness of humans. And then, having human appearance, He humbled himself, and became Obedient even to death.       (Yes, even the death of the cross.) And so God has greatly exalted him, And to him in his favour has given The name which is over all names: That now at the name of Jesus Every knee under heaven shall bow – On earth, too, and under the earth; And every tongue shall confess That Jesus, Messiah, is Lord, To the glory of God, the father.



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


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